Paper Title

Designing Fixture To Optimize The Manufacturing Process Plan Of Timer Used In War Missiles


  • Suram Mohan Kumar
  • G Srikanth Reddy
  • P Pranay Kumar


Fixture Designing, Triggering, Ansys, NX-CAM, Missile Timer


The price of scheming and manufacturing fixtures can cost up to 10±20% of the total production system costs. To reduce manufacturing costs, an accessory system aims to be competent in fixturing as many work pieces as possible. In mass production, it can be accomplished by fixturing a large quantity of the same kind of work pieces. In low-to-medium scale production, improvement of the flexibility of fixture systems becomes a favourable way to reduce the unit cost of the product. The timer is a tiny component used in war missiles. When the war missile is triggered the timer sets the bullet, and then the bullet is released from the target missile. Timer plays a significant role in the target missile, so this component should be manufactured with dimensional accuracy. The timer is modelled by considering tolerances if specified using NX-CAD. Manufacturing process plan will be developed in CAM system using the NX-CAM software. Process optimization was also carried out by using the fixture for a job holding to reduce damage to the component while manufacturing and reduces rejection and rework rate by maintaining dimensional accuracy as well as designed fixture reduces manufacturing time. The designed fixture is validated using finite element analysis whether it suits for manufacturing timer component. The dynamic analysis shall be performed on the fixture component and from the analysis results mode shapes and frequencies are documented by using FEA software. Finite element analysis of fixture component will be done using Ansys software

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How To Cite

Suram Mohan Kumar, G Srikanth Reddy, P Pranay Kumar. "Designing Fixture To Optimize The Manufacturing Process Plan Of Timer Used In War Missiles".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.249-259, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 249-259

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