Paper Title

Optimized Quality and Structure Using Adaptive Total Variation and MM Algorithm for Single Image Super-Resolution


  • Shanta Patel
  • Sanket Choudhary


Sparse representation, Dictionary, Edge orientation, Clustering, Edge preserving constraint, Super-resolution


In this work, proposed an approach, which explores both structural and statistical information of image patches to learn multiple dictionaries for super-resolving an image in sparse domain. In this paper propose a novel computationally efficient single image SR method that learns multiple linear mappings to directly transform LR feature subspaces into HR subspaces. Self-similarity based super-resolution (SR) algorithms are able to produce visually pleasing results without extensive training on external databases. Such algorithms exploit the statistical prior that patches in a natural image tend to recur within and across scales of the same image. Structural information is estimated using dominant edge orientation, and means value of the intensity levels of an image patch is used to represent statistical information

Article Type


How To Cite

Shanta Patel, Sanket Choudhary. "Optimized Quality and Structure Using Adaptive Total Variation and MM Algorithm for Single Image Super-Resolution".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.231-236, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 231-236

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