Paper Title

Viability of Slag on The Strength Of Concrete, A Review


  • Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat


Steel Slag, Iron Slag, Concrete Strength etc


Abstract Due to strict rules and regulations by the Government on the management of industrial waste, it has become very difficult for industries to survive in the market while producing waste which leads to numerous environmental problems. Slag is one of the industrial wastes which is hugely produced by the Steel Industries and Iron industries in the world as well as in India which is still considered as the waste. But recycling of steel and iron slag in the process of concrete strength is one of the viable alternatives so that the waste of slag can be used and the natural resources are preserved up to a certain limit. Because the direct use of natural material in the process of concrete strength emits large amount of green house gases, carbon dioxide etc. In order to overcome from these problems use of slag is one of the best alternatives for concrete strength without environmental problems. Slag is also referred as the by-product of the concerned industries. Slag is used in the process of concrete strength up to a certain limit as a partial replacement. This paper is based on existing review of literature; an attempt has been made to study the use of slag as a partial replacement in the process of concrete strength.

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How To Cite

Ishfaq Ahmad Bhat. "Viability of Slag on The Strength Of Concrete, A Review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.186-188, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 186-188

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