Paper Title

Experimental investigation on rectangular fins with holes in natural convection


  • Akhilesh Kumar Singh
  • Rajiv Varshney


Keywords: rectangular fins, natural convection, heat transfer, solid fin array, fin inclination


In the present experimental study the effect of circular holes on rectangular fins under natural convection heat transfer has been presented. The effect of increase in perforation diameter and angle of inclination on the natural convection heat transfer from rectangular fin array are taken into consideration. The natural convection heat transfer under steady state condition from the solid fin array and the perforated fin arrays with 4 mm fin spacing , fin perforation diameter (4, 6 and 8mm) and fin inclination angle (0, 30, 45, 60 and 90˚) were analyzed and compared. The enhancement in the heat transfer coefficient was achieved with the increase in the fin perforation diameter. With the variation in fin inclination angle from 0° to 90° also the heat transfer was enhanced.

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How To Cite

Akhilesh Kumar Singh, Rajiv Varshney. "Experimental investigation on rectangular fins with holes in natural convection".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.157-166, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 157-166

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