Paper Title

New Control Approach for D- STATCOM


  • Shukla Darshan H.
  • Panchal Nilam B.


Introduction, Design, Simulation, Conclusion


In distribution side the D-STATCOM gives good power quality response. The D-STATCOM operate VSI and energy storing device, the conventional topology can compensated reactive power from the line but the rating of storage device is increased. So in this topology if we used some arrangement/connection of small dc link capacitor then we can reduces the size of VSI and also dc-link voltage without compromising it’s compensation. In this paper the proposed method use to reduces the rating of VSI and dc-link voltage by some arrangement of small dc-link capacitor. This topology verify by simulation using MATLAB environment.

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How To Cite

Shukla Darshan H., Panchal Nilam B.. "New Control Approach for D- STATCOM".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.135-143, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 135-143

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