Paper Title

Navigation, Guidance & Control Program for GPS based Autonomous Ground Vehicle


  • Amit Yadav
  • Ajeet Gaur
  • D K Chaturvedi


Electric Vehicle, Arduino IDE, GPS Sensor, Guidance and Navigation and Program Code


In this chapter, an introduction of navigate a vehicle autonomously, the control action of the system must know at least two things, its own current position and direction of movement. Location can be find by either from an outside system source with technology such as the Global Positioning System (GPS), or by calculation of mathematical equation a followed path from a known source point with the use of electronic compasses, inclinometers, and rotational counters. However, under any scheme, the outcome is to somehow generate the positional information of the vehicle so that the vehicle could be guided to follow a path and reach the target. In addition of this, the direction sensing devices are also used for getting the values of current heading of vehicle so that it could be steered to move towards target location. GPS has advantage over other position detection mechanism that it also provides an estimate of vehicle’s current heading based on the previous two positional coordinates. While the current heading provided by GPS is not accurate enough under some conditions, it is envisaged to accommodate GPS as the only sensor for guiding the autonomous vehicle to follow the trajectory in outdoor applications

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How To Cite

Amit Yadav, Ajeet Gaur, D K Chaturvedi. "Navigation, Guidance & Control Program for GPS based Autonomous Ground Vehicle".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 4, pp.120-124, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 4 

Pages. 120-124

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