Paper Title

The “Brand” of Political Party in Political Marketing


  • Rajendra Uttamrao Malge
  • Dr. V.K. Deshpande


Brand, Marketing. Political Marketing. Party, Election.


Brand has special importance in Marketing around the world. Hence it is applicable in Political Marketing field also. The brand in short is an identifier of the seller or services-provider. A brand name consists of word, letters, and/or number that can be vocalized. The brand has value also. The values of govern of a product or services provider are reflected by the brand. The brand has too culture and a brand represents a certain culture. Hence the study has been done of the importance of Brand in Political Marketing. The top leaders of party are assumed as brand and the Voters have been assumed as a consumer even they don’t directly purchase product or services. As well as the parties are being treated as seller or services provider. Three / four National and State parties have been taken for study i.e. Indian National Congress(NC), Bhartiya Janta Parti(BJP), Shive Sena(SS) and Nationalize Congress Party NCP). What is the contribution brand (top leaders of party) and how it Impact in achieving goal which is winning of Election, it is discussed. The hypothesis is that the brand works and helps to win election.

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How To Cite

Rajendra Uttamrao Malge, Dr. V.K. Deshpande. "The “Brand” of Political Party in Political Marketing".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.1268-1272, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 1268-1272

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