Paper Title

Social Inclusion of Migrant Coffee Plantation Workers in Kodagu District of Karnataka


  • Mrs. Shailashree K
  • Dr. Yathish Kumar


Migrant workers, plantation, social inclusion, economic conditions, growth etc.


Coffee plantation’s which forms backbone of Kodagu’s economy. As harvest season starts in Coorg coffee planters has a lot of issues relating to labour scarcity. Most of the Assamese works in coffee estates during peak season. These migrated workers were excluded from local activities; even they were paid equal to local workers. Both male and female workers are considered for the study. This study aimed to understand the socio-economic conditions of the Social Inclusion of long-term, short term and seasonal migrant coffee plantation workers. The collected data was computed by applying chi-square. Results shown that, a relationship exists between type of migration and social inclusion variables.

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How To Cite

Mrs. Shailashree K, Dr. Yathish Kumar. "Social Inclusion of Migrant Coffee Plantation Workers in Kodagu District of Karnataka".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.1242-1245, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 1242-1245

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