Paper Title

Spatial Estimation of Soil Erosion Using RUSLE, RS, and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of T.G. Halli Watershed, Karnataka, India


  • Y A Narayana Swamy
  • Dr. M. Inayathulla
  • Dr. Shashishankar.A


RUSLE, Soil erodibility factor, slope length factor, slope steepness factor, GIS


Soil erosion causes depletion of fertile agricultural land and the resulting sediment deposited at the river networks creates river morphological change and reservoir sedimentation problems. In the present study, the soil loss model, Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) integrated with GIS has been used to estimate soil loss in T.G. Halli Watershed, Karnataka, India. Remote Sensing provided the base information’s such as, land use/land cover, soil, hydro-geomorphology, slope and other aspects. GIS was used for database creation and analysis purposes. Morphometric analysis was carried out for the entire watershed and also at the sub-watershed level. Drainage density was estimated to be 1.39 Km/ for the entire watershed. Soil loss was estimated using Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE). The weighted soil erosion for the entire subwatershed was estimated to be 16.40t/ha/year. In GIS platform, the overlay of rainfall-runoff erosivity factor, soil erodibility factor, slope length factor, slope steepness factor, cover and management factor, support and conservation practices factor results that the high amount of soil loss is significantly low and occupies 0.11% of the entire study area. High soil loss in upstream of the basin has a close relation to LS and K factor and drainage density. As a result of soil loss in the upper catchment areas, reservoir capacity has been depleted both in dead and live storage space.

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How To Cite

Y A Narayana Swamy, Dr. M. Inayathulla, Dr. Shashishankar.A. "Spatial Estimation of Soil Erosion Using RUSLE, RS, and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of T.G. Halli Watershed, Karnataka, India".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.1056-1063, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 1056-1063

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