Paper Title

Aquifer based water security of cities of Eastern India


  • Dr Arunangshu Mukherjee
  • Dr S Shekhar


Urban hydrogeology, food and water security, drinking water, aquifer,India


The natural resources of Eastern India are still comparatively less exploited. The availability of sustainable water resource in urban environment is a key to development and human health of the Region. 116 Eastern Indian cities with more than 0.1 million population are having adequate water resources. These cities are hotspots for progressive economic development of the country. Water requirement and availability of ground water resources up to present extractable depth of 250 meter has been assessed for 7 capital cities of Eastern India as a case study. The results so obtained clearly indicate availability of ground water is adequate to cope up with the pace of growing population and urbanisation in these cities. Aquifer based water security as sustainable solution of these cities of Eastern India has given the confidence for futuristic development. The result of these studies can be used to predict the aquifer based water security of other Eastern Indian Cities.

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How To Cite

Dr Arunangshu Mukherjee, Dr S Shekhar. "Aquifer based water security of cities of Eastern India".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.73-81, URL :


Volume 2 Issue 1 

Pages. 73-81

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