Paper Title

Analysis of pile foundation - Simplified methods to analyse the pile foundation under lateral and vertical loads


  • Kanakeswararao Thadapaneni
  • Sarikonda Venkata sivaraju
  • Ravi teja Grandhi


vesic’s bearing capacity, staad software (finite element method), whinkler soil springs assumption, IS :2911( part I/SEC 2)


Pile foundations are common foundations for bridge abutment, piers and buildings resting on soft soil strata. The pile is subjected to both vertical and horizontal loads. The objective of the current study is Lateral& Vertical loaded analysis of pile and checking the deflection in pile under loads by finite element method. The distribution of vertical load in piles is consists of two parts. One part is due to friction, called skin friction or shaft friction and the other is due to end bearing at the base or tip of the pile toe. Ultimate vertical load bearing capacity of pile analysis is done by Static Analysis based on c-ϕ values in which vesic’s bearing capacity factors are used for cohesive and cohesion less soils. The problem of a laterally loaded pile embedded in soil is closely related to the beam on an elastic foundation. A beam can be loaded at one or more points along its length (whinkler soil springs assumption). Ks values are found by most general form for either horizontal or lateral modulus of subgrade reaction, in which Hansen and Vesic’s bearing capacity factors are used. Checking of deflection in pile is done by staad software (finite element method) using the parameters of modulus of subgrade reaction ”Ks”. Horizontal load carrying capacity calculations are done by is code method {Append. C , IS:2911(PartI/Sec2)}. The maximum lateral load on any pile under normal condition shall not exceed the value corresponding to 5mm horizontal deflection The lateral load capacity, depth of fixity and maximum moment in pile is calculated as per append. C of IS :2911( part I/SEC 2)-1979. Minimum value of lateral load capacity is adopted for design.

Article Type


How To Cite

Kanakeswararao Thadapaneni, Sarikonda Venkata sivaraju, Ravi teja Grandhi. "Analysis of pile foundation - Simplified methods to analyse the pile foundation under lateral and vertical loads".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.991-1001, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 991-1001

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