Paper Title

Analysis of Selfish Node Attack in AODV Routing Protocol using GLOMOSIM


  • Sricheta Ruj
  • Rishabh Sachdeva


Mobile Adhoc Network, AODV, selfish attack, glomosim.


Ad Hoc Networks are extremely vulnerable to attacks due to their dynamically changing topology, the absence of conventional security infrastructures, and vulnerability of nodes, channels and open medium of communication. Selfish nodes in MANETs are the defective nodes which drop the packets that are not intended to them. A malicious selfish node is introduced in the network to analyse the selfish node attack and a trust based algorithm for selfish node attack is also suggested. For the analysis, the routing protocol used in this paper is AODV. Network parameters meters like PDR and end to end delay are evaluated and compared using simulation tool – Glomosim.

Article Type


How To Cite

Sricheta Ruj, Rishabh Sachdeva. "Analysis of Selfish Node Attack in AODV Routing Protocol using GLOMOSIM".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.784-789, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 784-789

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