A Comparison of Artificial Bee Colony Based FOPID and PID for SMIB System
- Swapna Dewangan
- Shraddha Ramani
The scheming of power transmission network is a complicated task due to the density of power system. This compound nature always causes a loss of the steadiness due to the fault. Whenever a fault is occurred in system, the whole system is disturbed leading to oscillation in rotor angle which leads poor power quality. The generator damage can occur due to increasing nature of oscillation. To lessen and get rid of these unsteady oscillations a power system stabilizer is needed which can produce a faultless compensatory signal. A comparative approach of performance of FOPID-type and PID- type power system stabilizer is presented in this paper for SMIB system considering small signal stability.Here an Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) is used for the parameter tuning of the stabilizer and the simulation is performed in MATLAB.
Swapna Dewangan, Shraddha Ramani. "A Comparison of Artificial Bee Colony Based FOPID and PID for SMIB System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.728-731, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1703104.pdf
Volume 5 Issue 3
Pages. 728-731