Scene Segmentation using Stereo Image with Color and Depth Information: A Retrospective
- Pratik U Patel
- Sandip R Panchal
Scene segmentation, Color information, Depth information,Stereo vision.
Scene segmentation is the well-known problem of identifying the different elements of a scene in image processing. Traditionally either color or depth information tracked from single scene view but it turns out to be poorly conditioned operation which remains very challenging. So fusing of color information and depth information is required for better scene distribution. It is very difficult to find depth information that allows recognizing the object which has same color with different depth, for more reliability purpose stereo image is used. This paper investigates stereo vision algorithms best suited to analysis depth information.
Pratik U Patel, Sandip R Panchal. "Scene Segmentation using Stereo Image with Color and Depth Information: A Retrospective".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.2, Issue 1, pp.43-46, URL :
Volume 2 Issue 1
Pages. 43-46