Drastic Effect of Acetic Acid on Mild Steel and its Prevention by Vapour Phase Process
Key words Anthraquinone ,m-dinitrobenzene, vapour phase process, Relative Humidity, Protection
Abstract It is the effect acetic acid on mild steel panels Exposed in open atmosphere. It will corroded.The corrosion product is depends on the humidity and environmental gases. It is observed that at 80%RH to 90%RH rust formation is maximum during entire exposure time .Some nitrobenzene such as m-dinitrobenzene acted as good VCI. it gave 80% to 90% protection in almost all RH and at entire exposure time. Anthraquinone is also acted as good VCI .Its performance was better at very high and very low humidity ,that is at 100%RH and at 40% to20%RH.InThese situation, the protection afforded by Anthraquinone is higher than m-dinitrobenzene it is slightly lower at 60%RH to80% RH.
Shailendra Kumar Dwivedi. "Drastic Effect of Acetic Acid on Mild Steel and its Prevention by Vapour Phase Process".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.488-494, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1703072.pdf
Volume 5 Issue 3
Pages. 488-494