Paper Title

Evaluation and Investigation of Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication System for Different Optical Windows in Medium Earth Orbit


  • Vipan singla
  • Gaurav mittal


Optical widows, Non-return to zero, Inter-satellite optical wireless communication, Q-factor, BER


With ever increasing satellite missions, a wide range of frequencies are required for high capacity WDM optical wireless systems. C-band (1520 nm-1570 nm) is optimal and maximum useable band due to less scattering in this frequency range. But, due to large number of satellite in the earth orbits, C band is experiencing the pressure of large number of satellites in same optical window. In order to provide ultimate solution to this issue, other frequency bands can also be used in IsOWC systems. This work reveals the design and simulation analysis of 45 × 20 Gbps Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication (IsOWC) System by taking into account the concept of reduced channel spacing of 50 GHz for different optical windows. The high capacity system is proposed and its performance analysis is observed for various parameters like transmission range and input power. Moreover, the role of EDFA is noteworthy which does the task of amplification efficiently and made the system to work over a transmission range of 12500 km with acceptable Q-Factor and BER in different optical windows such as 850 nm, 1310 nm, 1550 nm and 1620 nm window. It is seen the C band performs best and L band worst in terms of Q factor and BER.

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How To Cite

Vipan singla, Gaurav mittal. "Evaluation and Investigation of Inter-satellite Optical Wireless Communication System for Different Optical Windows in Medium Earth Orbit".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.351-356, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 3 

Pages. 351-356

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