Study of Optimal Design of Spar Beam for the Wing of an Aircraft
- Ajith V S
- Prof. Dr. Ravikumar Paramasivam
- K. Vidhya
Ultimate Strength, Yield Strength, Fatigue Strength Fatigue Limit, Load Factor, Factor of Safety, Shear Force, Bending Moment, Young’s Modulus, Section Modulus
The structure of an airframe represents one of the finest examples of strength to weight ratio in the field of mechanical engineering. The aim of this project is to study about the various types of aircraft wing spar structure and to optimize an aircraft wing spar beam for a six seated aircraft.
The efficient design will be achieved by the use of strength of material approach. Software packages are to be used to design an aircraft wing spar structure and Finite Element Method (FEM) also be used to calculate the stresses developed at each station for a given bending moment. Several iterations will be carried out for the design optimization of the spar beam. The spar beam may be designed to yield at the design limit load.
The results from the conventional design approach and the optimized design are to be compared. Material saving and economical design for operation, through the design optimization is to be studied.
Ajith V S, Prof. Dr. Ravikumar Paramasivam, K. Vidhya. "Study of Optimal Design of Spar Beam for the Wing of an Aircraft".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp.179-193, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 3
Pages. 179-193