Paper Title

Principle And Significance Of Teacher Education


  • samsujjaman


KEY WORDS: Teacher education, Teacher Educators, Principles of Teaching, Significance of Teacher Education,


ABSRACT: Teacher and his education are very significant aspects of any nation. The education gives a new shape to the individual and the nation as well. As an integral component of the educational system, teacher education is intimately connected with society and is conditioned by the ethos, culture and character of a nation. The constitutional goals, the directive principles of the state policy, the socio-economic problems and the growth of the knowledge, the emerging expectations and changes operating in education etc. call for an appropriate response from a futuristic education system and provide the perspective within which teacher education programmes need to be viewed. Teacher Education is a discipline which educates the progressive generations on what has gone by, where we are, where we want to go, and what we like to create, observing healthy, meaningful and long life. It is one of the significant areas where a lot of innovative ideas can be tried out and practiced. The Present paper discusses about the principles and significance of teacher education, and also it discusses the scenario of pre independence and post independence teacher education of the country.

Article Type


How To Cite

samsujjaman. "Principle And Significance Of Teacher Education".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1995-2000, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 1995-2000

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