Paper Title

Building A Sustainable Future Using Smart Street Lights


  • Mugdha


Power consumption, Power wastage, Power efficient street lights


With the advancement in science and technology, electric energy has become one of the essential means to carry out today’s life. Power demand affects the life of people in many ways. With this sudden surge in the demand of power, it is important, rather essential, to find ways to conserve power to prevent resources from getting exhausted. The present paper focuses on one of the solutions for this problem, i.e. by building smart street lights which will reduce power wastage due to the unnecessary lighting of street lights regardless of traffic density and at odd hours. Another method to save power using this technique is further elaborated in the paper as well.

Article Type


How To Cite

Mugdha. "Building A Sustainable Future Using Smart Street Lights".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1743-1746, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 1743-1746

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