Paper Title

Modeling and Simulation of a Step-up Resonant Converter for DC Motor Drive


  • Ch.Manoj
  • Kolli Nageswar Rao


DC Motor Drive, Renewable energy, resonant converter,voltage stress.


In this paper introduce a Step up Resonant Converter for DC Motor Drive. DC motors form the backbone of many industries and as such their speed control becomes of immense importance. It is a promising option to connect the renewable energy sources to the HVDC grid with a pure dc system and DC motor drive, in which high-power high-voltage step-up dc–dc converters are the key equipment to transmit the electrical energy. The converter can achieve high voltage gain using an LC parallel resonant tank. It is characterized by zero-voltage-switching (ZVS) turn-on and nearly ZVS turn-off of main switches as well as zero-current-switching turn-off of rectifier diodes; moreover, the equivalent voltage stress of the semiconductor devices is lower than other resonant step-up converters. The operation principle of the converter and its resonant parameter selection is presented in this project. Finally, the proposed converter simulated when connected to HVDC grid and DC motor drive conditions in MATLAB/SIMULINK and results verified.

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How To Cite

Ch.Manoj, Kolli Nageswar Rao. "Modeling and Simulation of a Step-up Resonant Converter for DC Motor Drive".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1669-1678, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 1669-1678

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