Predicting Human Behaviour on Social Media Using Expert System Tool CLIPS
Artificial Intelligence (AI), CLIPS, Decision Making, Expert System, Knowledge - based Expert System Information System, Social Media, Social Networking Sites (SNS), Personal Computer (PC)
In this Paper, we have concentrated on those study, that point out the Facebook user's interest and disinterest. Many papers have revealed to us how the use of Facebook has influenced individuals' life. For better usage of Facebook in human life, we made an expert system that gives knowledge when people are using Facebook and also finds that what are the main reasons behind deduction with other when they use social networking sites also finds what they really need. This Expert System additionally gives answers for the related problems. CLIPS expert system tool has been utilized for making this Expert system. From our survey, we found that there is a populace that does not know about Facebook and what are the benefits of utilizing it. This expert system acquaints them with the positive side of Facebook too. This expert system can be utilized broadly in numerous regions and ventures.
Shobhana Kashyap. "Predicting Human Behaviour on Social Media Using Expert System Tool CLIPS".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1522-1528, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 1522-1528