Comparative Analysis of Various Methodology to Detect Paragraph from Web Document
- Narendra. M. Jathe
- Ku.Nayana B. Neware
- Hemant Mahalle
Term HTML Parser, JSOUP, Information Retrieval
We can compare various methodology to detect paragraph from web document for that purpose we see the information about web document and extract the web contents in new web page so, we use HTML parser, and HTML web Page and Eclipse.We capture partial contents of web pages. We propose information aggregation method that extracts partial contents of web pages. We extract paragraph from web sites and perform work on them. For that purpose, we use parsing technique in which parse HTML document, links of URL file. Java query we use for extracting and manipulating data. We proposed a system for aggregating partial contents across multiple web pages. We have use the jsoup library for paragraph extraction from offline HTML Document. Proposed method retrieves web pages based on a users query, segments those pages into partial areas for each user. We implemented proposed method as a prototype system.
Narendra. M. Jathe, Ku.Nayana B. Neware, Hemant Mahalle. "Comparative Analysis of Various Methodology to Detect Paragraph from Web Document".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1437-1440, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 1437-1440