Search Nearby Doctors Using Augmented Reality
- Vaibhav Shewale
- Pravin Dhumane
- Mahesh Gholap
Augmented Reality, Search Near Doctors
The aim of this paper is to build an Android Application using Google Maps and Augmented Reality (AR) concept to provide user friendly interface and flexibility to quickly find nearby hospitals, doctors and access information like doctor's address, contact numbers and also can find out nearest medical store at anytime from anywhere. Now a Days user uses their mobile device for many purpose like searching any places or information using GPS and internet, playing games, reminders, social networks, etc. Users in unknown area face difficulties to find nearby doctors or hospitals in emergency cases. AR (Augmented Reality) is innovative technology which provides a real time world environment and let you present an enhanced view of real world [1]. Location tracking or GPS tracking technology could make a big impact on human beings and well being in future. This functionality provides all necessary the information on android device.
Keywords — Android operating system, Augmented Reality, Google maps, GPS, Compass Sensor, JSON
Vaibhav Shewale, Pravin Dhumane, Mahesh Gholap. "Search Nearby Doctors Using Augmented Reality".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1421-1424, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 1421-1424