Paper Title

A Survey: Analysis of GPSR Routing Protocol in WSN


  • Khandhar Riya
  • Prof. Bharat V. Buddhadev


Wireless sensor network, GPSR, greedy forwarding, location based technique, perimeter forwarding


In current era, Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is more beneficial in real-time applications like monitoring the environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and motion. For collecting the data and information from distinct destination transmission range WSN uses tiny sensor node. WSN is most useful where traditional wired or wireless network is tough to set up. There are some challenging issues like energy, bandwidth consumption and installation cost. WSN requires energy efficient routing algorithms for reducing the energy waste and rise the life span of network because sensor nodes have small batteries with limited power capabilities. As compared to wired or wireless networks routing is more complex in WSN. In WSN, geographic routing means routing uses geographical position’s information and routing should be energy efficient. The main purpose of geographical routing is to use location information to invent an efficient path investigation toward the sink node. Geographic routing provides the energy ability, localization and scalability. A Greedy forwarding method is used whereby each node forwards a data packet to the neighbouring node that is “closest” to the sink node as next hop node. If source node does not find any neighbour node which is close to destination node then greedy algorithm generates “hole or local optimization” problem. To solve routing hole problem it needs an energy efficient routing algorithm i.e., Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (GPSR) protocol. This paper gives an overview of the different techniques which is used in GPSR and gives a brief working of GPSR routing protocol in WSN. We have also compared different literature reviews about GPSR. The study concludes with the recommendation to the future direction in the energy efficiency routing for the sensor networks.

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How To Cite

Khandhar Riya, Prof. Bharat V. Buddhadev. "A Survey: Analysis of GPSR Routing Protocol in WSN".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.1221-1230, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 1221-1230

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