A Study On Public Transport Network With Vehicle Occupancy Survey : A Case Study Of Gandhinagar Public Tranposrt Network
- Priyank Babulal Shah
- Prof. H. K. Dave
Public Transport Network, Vehicle Occupancy Survey, Travel forecasting, Travel time, Arrival time,Departure time , Bus Routes
The Aim of this paper to define detail study on public transport network of VTCOS city bus service by vehicle occupancy survey for understanding of required improvement parameters in Gandhinagar City with five major routes. Gandhinagar is not only capital of Gujarat state, but is also loaded with all the accolades of being the most developed city of the state. Carrying forward its chain of developments, we try to develop the effective, economic, time consuming public transport network in the Gandhinagar city including the area which connect the major parts of the city like educational firms, government sectors , shopping mall, theatres etc. It will cover not only the city area but also cover the area which are under GUDA(Gandhinagar Urban Development Authority) and some parts of Ahmedabad city. At present, bus operation through Public Private Partnership is given to the private operator ―VTCOS‖ strictly on the contractual period of 5 (Five) years only. The capacity of the buses is not so good and effective transportation is not provided. It does not cover the major part of the city area and the routes are not effective
Priyank Babulal Shah, Prof. H. K. Dave. "A Study On Public Transport Network With Vehicle Occupancy Survey : A Case Study Of Gandhinagar Public Tranposrt Network".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.280 - 285, URL :https://rjwave.org/ijedr/papers/IJEDR1303055.pdf
Volume 1 Issue 3
Pages. 280 - 285