Unveiling the New Source of Green Energy: A plant
Renewable energy; weak energy source; electrodes; living-plants; bio-energy.
Living-plants take CO2 and H2O and capture the light energy. This energy is stored in plats as sugars produced. Some part of this stored energy, transferred to the roots of the plants. This transferred energy is in form of electrons as a by-product [1]. 40% or more energy can be released into the soil which is renewable & transform of solar energy. Hence by embedding pairs of electrodes into it to allow flow of ions and hence generate electricity. Multiple tests using different type of electrodes and plants suggested that voltages are produced to greater or lesser extents where combination of copper (Cu)-zinc (Zn) and Bauhinia racemosa L. produces the highest voltage output. The obtained result confirmed that the natural process is responsible for production of clean, renewable, sustainable, efficient plant produced electricity as a future renewable bio-energy source.
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 667-671