Paper Title

An Analysis to Increase the Productivity of Fuel Injection Pump Shaft


  • Pranav Sangole
  • Tanmay Taunk
  • Dr. Imran Ahemad Khan


Productivity, Fuel Injection Pump Shaft, Time study, Production, Cylindrical Grinding


This paper addresses the analysis to increase the productivity of the Fuel Injection Pump Shaft. This study starts with understanding the standard operation procedures and analyzing the process flow to get the whole idea on the production of Fuel Injection Pump Shaft. At the same time, observations at the production line were made to identify the non-productive activities and problems that occur during production. This observation involves all the processes that had been timed using the time study techniques. The time study analysis of the processes enables the reduction of non-productive time and tasks, resulting in a set standardized work procedures for the operations. The assessment for implementation of the potential and feasible solutions were taken into considerations to increase the productivity of the Fuel Injection Pump Shaft.

Article Type


How To Cite

Pranav Sangole, Tanmay Taunk, Dr. Imran Ahemad Khan. "An Analysis to Increase the Productivity of Fuel Injection Pump Shaft".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.462-464, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 462-464

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