Paper Title

Study of Lane Discipline And Its Effects: A Review


  • Milan M.Trivedi
  • Prof. V.R.Gor


Lane Discipline, traffic flow characteristics, dispersion time


Traffic Flow at urban centers indicates variation in actual Traffic behavior Capacity on link, at intersections and on crossing. Lane in discipline causes Delay and consequent changes in Approach speed, lateral movement, lateral acceleration and lateral gap. For safe and capable movement of large volumes of traffic on city road network, intersections, crossings, the lane discipline is important. The proposed capacity and operation of traffic significantly depend on driver behavior, lane discipline, traffic flow characteristics, etc. The lane discipline not followed on urban roads in India leads to heterogeneous motorized traffic, slow-moving traffic and pedestrians. It is consequently required to consider suitably traffic flow parameter speed, density, and delay influence by lane discipline for mixed traffic situation to estimate at major city road network. This paper represents the review of literatures based on lane discipline and its effects on various spots in urban roads for mixed traffic behavior.

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How To Cite

Milan M.Trivedi, Prof. V.R.Gor. "Study of Lane Discipline And Its Effects: A Review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.448-450, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 448-450

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