Paper Title

Design and Development of Automatic Coconut De-husking and De-shelling machine


  • Rishikesh V. Gaikwad
  • Prasad P. Bagadi
  • Suyash B. Kamble
  • Javed J. Gadakari
  • Indrajeet D. Burase


coconut, de-husking, de-shelling, automatic


Today there is many methods used for de-husking and de-shelling of coconut. These methods are widely used for removing of the coconut husk but these methods have many problems and limitations while operating these machines. These problems affect the production rate of de-husking the coconut. Also these methods are more hazardous and harmful to user. To overcome the limitations and problems occurring in the present machine there is need of the method to be automatic and less harmful to the user. This paper presents the design and development of the automatic coconut de-husking machine. This machine eliminates the problems and limitations to a greater extent. In this way the production rate increases compared to the present coconut de-husking machine.

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How To Cite

Rishikesh V. Gaikwad, Prasad P. Bagadi, Suyash B. Kamble, Javed J. Gadakari, Indrajeet D. Burase. "Design and Development of Automatic Coconut De-husking and De-shelling machine".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.424-429, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 424-429

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