The Automatic Hydraulic Jack
- Prajakta K. Patil
- Shraddha S. Jadhav
- A .R .Kharat
Design, Hydraulic Jack, Fluid, Automation.
This project deals with design and fabrication of automatic hydraulic car lifting attachment with the help of hydraulic cylinder. Lifting the car in any problem case like replacing wheel, & when tyre is puncture it is not easy. For this type of operations we need heavy force. In the case of tyre puncture or replacing wheels lift the car is more important part. This time we use traditional ways to lift the tyre. In that case a physically handicapped person, ladies person or aged person not lift the tyre easily. They require more time and also require more force to lift the tyre. Automatic hydraulic jack system is more useful for this type of problems.
Prajakta K. Patil, Shraddha S. Jadhav, A .R .Kharat. "The Automatic Hydraulic Jack".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.323-325, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 323-325