Paper Title

Transformation of HR Practices: Recruitment and Selection


  • Linta Susan Daniel
  • Dr. V. R Malkar


E-Recruitment, E- Selection, e-HRM, Traditional HR, Information Technology, Traditional Recruitment, Selection.


The development of Information Technology has increased the pace of business activities including Human Resource Management. With the advent of internet and various other softwares Human Resource Management has transformed itself to an Electronic Human Resource Management (e-HRM). HRM has now become an inseparable part of any business wherein internet and HRM are closely related to each other. This study mainly concentrates in the transformation of recruitment and selection process from traditional to non-traditional practice. E-recruitment and E-selection enables the entire recruitment selection process easy, reliable, cost effective, diversified candidates and leads to better results as compared to traditional model of recruitment. This study also enables to understand why small scale industries must use e-recruitment and e-selection for performing the HR activities effectively .With the emergence of IT many new features are still being added to the HR softwares so that it will be helpful for both the employer and the candidates, nowadays applicants can even track their application. Employees can also use e-HRM to apply for promotion, for personal development and can apply to new job in Internal Recruitment.

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How To Cite

Linta Susan Daniel, Dr. V. R Malkar. "Transformation of HR Practices: Recruitment and Selection".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.283-286, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 283-286

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