Influence of Tool pin depth of penetration in Alluminium Alloys over joint parameters in Friction stir welding
Friction stir welding, Alluminium Alloy, depth of penetration
—Friction Stir Welding is very conventional but advanced itself welding method to joint non-ferrous materials also. In present study the effect of tool pins depth of penetration is understood. This paper intend to understand the effects of main parameters including tool’s rotational speed, tools feed, tools axial force which are already analyzed by many researches, To understand the effect of penetration, these parameters are taken into consideration. It was found that depth of penetration has direct relation to micro structure of obtained joint. As depth of penetration can be controlled by tool itself and also by axial force also. This paper aims to co relate joint parameters with depth of penetration for obtain optimum results.
Kunalsinh R. Kathia. "Influence of Tool pin depth of penetration in Alluminium Alloys over joint parameters in Friction stir welding".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.206 - 209, URL :
Volume 1 Issue 3
Pages. 206 - 209