Paper Title

Modelling of variable size Paneer cutting machine :Experimental approach


  • Avinash V. Gaikwad
  • Pravin S. Ghawade


Paneer cutting machine, Packaging system


The economic downturn is among the worst enemy to all of mankind. The unstable economy performance also causing industries to collapse especially the low and medium ranged firm. This would much affect the increment of food prices and all groceries that available in the market. This would tighten up our budget and might as well affect our health and lifestyle indirectly. Hence, the purpose of this project is to design of a semi-automatic low cost paneer cutting and packaging machine. Most of the food processor available in the market is imported and costly as well as additional manpower and time consumption caused by manual processing. The development for this machine begins by identifying problems that occurs. Then, studies on the food processor available in the market as well foods which are directly related are next in line. Then only the machine is design based on the concept adapted from the problems Hence, the purpose of this project is to design of a semi automatic low cost paneer cutting and packaging machine for small scale industry

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How To Cite

Avinash V. Gaikwad, Pravin S. Ghawade. "Modelling of variable size Paneer cutting machine :Experimental approach".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.272-274, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 272-274

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