Implementation of FM Transceiver using Software Defined Radio (SDR)
- Devidas Kushnure
- Murtaza Jiniyawala
- Sushama Molawade
- Snehal Patil
Software defined radio (SDR), GNU Radio, USRP, Wideband Frequency Modulation (WBFM).
In this Paper we discusses about recent trends in wireless Communication system design using Software Defined Radio (SDR). Here the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) B200 board is used to design Frequency Modulation (FM) Transmitter and Receiver. The audio file transmitted from the USRP B200 board and it is received on the FM receiver of mobile phone as well as on the USRP B200 board. The system has been designed using the GNU Radio which is open source software. In the demonstration the audio file is transmitted using Wideband Frequency Modulation (WBFM). The spectrum of FM is from 88 MHz to 108 MHz within this spectrum we can transmit and receive the FM signals. The results show that the audio file transmitted is received on the FM Receiver of Mobile Phone as well as USRP B200 Board Receiver. The spectrum received is just like the transmitted spectrum.
Devidas Kushnure, Murtaza Jiniyawala, Sushama Molawade, Snehal Patil. "Implementation of FM Transceiver using Software Defined Radio (SDR)".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.225-233, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 2
Pages. 225-233