Paper Title

Survey on reactive routing protocols and proactive routing protocols of MANET


  • Suhani Rajput
  • Balwinder Kaur




As we all are familiar with MANET (Mobile Ad Hoc network) is infrastructure-less, self organized. We have taken two types of protocol i.e. proactive routing protocol and reactive routing protocol. As we have firstly compared all the routing protocols on the basis of same parameters, by this we have concluded some parameters like packet delivery ration, throughput, and end to end delay. So to overcome these problems we have taken one each protocol from both the routing protocols i.e. DSR and DSDV. In the case of DSR we have seen how delay and energy can be improved and they used transmission control approach. By doing some change in this approach we can improve our DSR for future scope. For DSDV we have seen improved DSDV and this also can be more improved further. They have used from both these protocols we have enhance our performance of routing protocols.

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How To Cite

Suhani Rajput, Balwinder Kaur. "Survey on reactive routing protocols and proactive routing protocols of MANET".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.80-85, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 80-85

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