Paper Title

Analyzing the similitude between Internet Service Providers and Brain Functional Networks


  • Narmatha. K
  • Kaviya. D
  • Dr.Matilda.S
  • Gayathri.P


Brain functional network, fMRI, Internet Service Provider.


The objective of this paper is to compare the brain functional network with the ISP(Internet Service Provider) Topology. Even-though the current internet topology works well, there are some problems such as traffic, slow rate of transmission, robustness, scalability, QoS, etc. Networks fail in untold situations and they do not have self adaptive nature. To overcome these problems networks can be designed with some measures which improve the performance of the network. For the designing of such robust networks, we can use properties of a biological network particularly that of brain functional networks, as the human brain has self-adaptive nature and does not fail in most of the situations. By analyzing the similarity measures between ISP and brain functional networks, we can incorporate the features of the brain which make it fail-free into the architecture of ISP. The comparison is done by using measures such as degree, clustering coefficient, modularity, etc. This project will be helpful in designing more robust and self-adaptable networks.

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How To Cite

Narmatha. K, Kaviya. D, Dr.Matilda.S, Gayathri.P. "Analyzing the similitude between Internet Service Providers and Brain Functional Networks".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 2, pp.73-79, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 2 

Pages. 73-79

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