Paper Title

Causes of Organ Condemnation and Economic lossof cattle in Developing countries. Review


  • Addis Beyene Addis


Causes of Organ Condemnation and Economic lossof cattle in Developing countries. Review


Livestock has been considered as the main component of agricultural sector in most parts developing countries.They provide food in the form of meat and milk and non-food itemssuch as draft power, manure and transport services.Regardless of livestock population the sector is characterized by low productivity mainly due to low genetic potential of indigenous breeds, inadequate management, poor nutrition, high disease incidence and parasite burden.High disease incidence and parasite burden as well as various abnormalities cause extensive financial wastes.Major causes of organ and carcasses condemnations and their economic importance are parasitic(fasciolosis, cystocericosis,hydatosis), Bacterial (tuberculosis) and mixed cause of different type of abnormality.To reduce the transmission of the diseases and financial loss government should be focused on public awareness about consequences of eating of raw meat, improper use of latrines and improved standards of human hygiene,promoting construction of abattoir with their appropriate disposal pits and proper disposal of condemned organs.

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How To Cite

Addis Beyene Addis. "Causes of Organ Condemnation and Economic lossof cattle in Developing countries. Review".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.776-796, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 1 

Pages. 776-796

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