Paper Title

A Study of Web Personalization Using Semantic Web Mining


  • Kanani Hiren M.
  • Virani Sagar H.


Semantic Web, Web Mining, Semantic Web Mining, Ontology


Semantic Web Mining is combination of two areas. One is Semantic web and second is Web Mining. These two areas improve the result of www (World Wide Web). The Semantic Web can make Mining much easier and Web Mining can build new structure of Web.WebMining applies Data Mining technique on web content, Structure and Usage. Method of Usage Mining can profit from enriched description of web pages visited. This will provide better utilization of web pages, better utilization of web pages and recommendation and personalization of website. Web Personalization may include the provision of recommendation to the users, the creation of new index pages or generation of target advertisements using semantic web mining. This Paper presents overview of web personalization using semantic web mining.

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How To Cite

Kanani Hiren M., Virani Sagar H.. "A Study of Web Personalization Using Semantic Web Mining".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.183 - 185, URL :


Volume 1 Issue 3 

Pages. 183 - 185

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