Paper Title

A review on optimization of cycle time by using various techniques


  • Sandesh Khandu Wavhal
  • Suyash Shashikant Mahadik
  • Uday Krishnat Shedge
  • Aditya A. Angre
  • Prof. Ajay Kashikar


Cycle time, Automation, Design, PPC techniques


his article provides the literature review on optimization of cycle time by elimination of non-value added factors. The study shows that cycle time can be optimized by implementing various PPC techniques and engineering methods. Cycle time optimization is essential from the point of view of economic progress of an organization.

Article Type


How To Cite

Sandesh Khandu Wavhal, Suyash Shashikant Mahadik, Uday Krishnat Shedge, Aditya A. Angre, Prof. Ajay Kashikar. "A review on optimization of cycle time by using various techniques".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.723-725, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 1 

Pages. 723-725

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