Energy Efficiency and Better Throughput in MANET
- Nisarg Patel
- Manojkumar B patel
- Ashish A Gajjar
AOMDV, DREAM, Transmission power, Throughput, Power conservation.
The limited power capacity required by different mobile nodes in Mobile Ad-hoc Network (MANET). Energy efficiency with better in mobile ad hoc network is very important. There always an important issue for energy improvement with better throughput. The DREAM (Distant routing effect algorithm for mobility) with better throughput and energy will maintain the information about output per interval and routing table which contain the information about energy consumption by an individual node. The throughput is the average of the throughputs of all hosts active in the network. It will remove the unnecessary flooding from the network. This paper is base d on several performance measurement of AOMDV(Ad-hoc on demand distance ).Our result will be base on basis of several parameters like PDR (Packet Delivery Ration), Routing load, node residual energy.
Nisarg Patel, Manojkumar B patel, Ashish A Gajjar. "Energy Efficiency and Better Throughput in MANET".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.180 - 182, URL :
Volume 1 Issue 3
Pages. 180 - 182