Paper Title

Steganography using web documents as a carrier: A survey


  • Chintan Manubhai Dhanani
  • Krunal J Panchal


Steganography; Stego key; Stego data; Carrier; Embedding; Decoding


In the world of information technology security of data is most important part. Everywhere there is a problem of security threats which are always looking to steal the information. So any how data protection is required. Cryptography, steganography and watermarking are some of the well known data protection techniques. Steganography and cryptography are data hiding techniques while watermarking is used to give unique identity to the objects like image, audio, video etc which prevents it from forgery. The benefit of steganography over cryptography is that no one except sender and intended user can see the message. This survey paper concentrates on the steganography techniques and mainly on the techniques that have used web document as a carrier to hide the data. The HTML steganography has its own benefit that data doesn’t look suspicious because HTML web pages are fundamental elements of the modern internet technology and are very rapidly used in websites

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How To Cite

Chintan Manubhai Dhanani, Krunal J Panchal. "Steganography using web documents as a carrier: A survey".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.1, Issue 3, pp.172 - 179, URL :


Volume 1 Issue 3 

Pages. 172 - 179

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