Paper Title

Readable CDA document for Generation and Integration in Cloud using APIs


  • M.Mahalakshmi
  • Dr.M.Karthika
  • Dr.X.Josphin Jasline Anitha


HIE, CDA, cloud computing, Open API


Electronic Health Record helps to improve the safety and quality care of every individual patient details, is necessary that of to be maintained by the clinic, through the interoperability of Health Information Exchange (HIE) differing from hospital to hospital. The CDA document generated and integrated Open API service based on cloud computing allows us conveniently to generate CDA documents without purchase of proprietary software. Using CDA document integration system integrates multiple CDA documents per patient into a single CDA document. Both physicians and patient can utilize the clinical data in chronological order. In this paper, the CDA documents integrate into single document and can be browsed as a readable format. It is easy to read and understand for physicians efficiently. Users no need to purchase or deploy any tools to convert the CDA XML document to other format. Converting of CDA XML format to readable format increases the usage of this system and reduces the time for physicians from delay of making decisions. The conversion can be done by methods that which supports for conversion of XML based format to readable format using APIs on cloud and that document can access by physicians and patients at need of view.

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How To Cite

M.Mahalakshmi, Dr.M.Karthika, Dr.X.Josphin Jasline Anitha. "Readable CDA document for Generation and Integration in Cloud using APIs".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.600-603, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 1 

Pages. 600-603

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