Paper Title

Experimental Investigation Of Heat Transfer Enhancement From Dimpled Pin Fin


  • Prof. A.I. Ambesange
  • Prof. S.S. Raut
  • Prof. T.C. Jagtap


Dimpled pin fin, Experimental investigation, Heat transfer, etc


Heat transfer enhancement over surface results from the depression forming recesses rather than projections. Generically, such features are known as dimples, and may be formed in an infinite variation of geometries which results in various heats transfer and friction characteristics. Heat Transfer enhancement using dimples based on the principle of scrubbing action of cooling fluid taking place inside the dimple and phenomenon of intensifying the delay of flow separation over the surface. Spherical indentations or dimples have shown good heat transfer characteristics when used as surface roughness. The technology using dimples recently attracted interest due to the substantial heat transfer augmentations it induces, with pressure drop penalties smaller than with other types of heat augmentation. The proposed work is concerned with experimental set up for enhancement of the forced convection heat transfer over the dimpled surface and without dimple surface. The objective of the present work is to find out the heat transfer coefficient, Reynolds number, nusselt number, efficiency of fin on dimpled surfaces and all the results obtained will be compared with those from a without dimple surface of same material surface.

Article Type


How To Cite

Prof. A.I. Ambesange, Prof. S.S. Raut, Prof. T.C. Jagtap. "Experimental Investigation Of Heat Transfer Enhancement From Dimpled Pin Fin".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.395-412, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 1 

Pages. 395-412

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