Region Based Hybrid Image Retrieval Algorithm Using Local Ordinal Features
- Janarthanam S.
- Sukumaran S.
CBIR, Color, Feature describers, Texture, Shape, Relevance Feedback.
In modern days the increasing social networking mediums with digital images are uploaded day by day. Image Retrieval using image content is the interesting field in digital image processing improves pictorial information for human interpretation and processing of image data for storage, transmission, and representation for machine perception. Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) and querying access the visual information like color, texture and shape. In order to access the very large image collection the new techniques are very crucial. Content based image retrieval implements retrieval based on the similarity described using extracted features. In this paper, dynamic content-based image search and retrieval is conferred as Hybrid dynamic extraction algorithm. The proposed algorithm associates the advantages of distinct algorithms to improve the performance and accuracy of retrieval. Feature Vector Normalization set to make different feature vectors are united to provide a prosperous feature set for retrieving image.
Janarthanam S., Sukumaran S.. "Region Based Hybrid Image Retrieval Algorithm Using Local Ordinal Features".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.281-288, URL :
Volume 5 Issue 1
Pages. 281-288