Paper Title

Finite Element Simulation Of Small Punch Test To Determine Influence Of Key Test Parameters Used In Steam Turbine Blade Material


  • Manish Sahu
  • Dr.K.K.Dwivedi


Finite element simulation, Miniature testing method, small punch test, steam turbine blade material CA-6 NM, Modeling.


This research paper presents a finite element simulation of small punch test to determine the influence of key test parameters used in steam turbine blade material. To estimate the realistic remaining life of in-service equipments of thermal, petro-chemical, remnant and nuclear power plants etc, the degraded material properties of these equipments must be precisely known. In this research work, influence of numerous key test parameters is studied on flat samples using finite element simulations and their effects are significantly observed. In order to assess the strength of aged material during the service life, Small Punch Test has emerged as a powerful NDT tool of engineers. SPT is carried out for material CA-6 NM (Cromium-Nickle) alloy (used as blade material in steam turbines).The stress-strain curves area recorded for CA-6 NM (Cromium-Nickle) alloy in the temperature range 25-600 0C. As experimentation process in ASTM tests and SPT is mind-numbing and time consuming, finite element simulation of small punch test is carried out to have large number of load-deflection-temperature data.

Article Type


How To Cite

Manish Sahu, Dr.K.K.Dwivedi. "Finite Element Simulation Of Small Punch Test To Determine Influence Of Key Test Parameters Used In Steam Turbine Blade Material".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.5, Issue 1, pp.52-58, URL :


Volume 5 Issue 1 

Pages. 52-58

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