Paper Title

Novel Type Solar Heating System


  • Kataria Mahendra B.
  • Khunt Hardik A.


Keywords- Energy analysis, Thermal Power Plant, Second law of thermodynamics, Reheat Rankin Cycle.


the increased awareness that the world’s energy resources are limited has caused many countries to reexamine their energy policies the box type and parabolic solar cookers are commonly used for cooking of food in the noon. Among them, box type solar cooker is more popular due to its simplicity of handling and operation. The cooking applications of Novel type solar heating system with evacuated tube have their applications in increasing the rate of evaporation of water, in food processing. It produces a high temperature around and the food gets cooked in less time also use like solar cooking stove and solar water heater. The major problem with Glass Tube Type Solar Cooker is that it has not yet been tested in all the seasons. However, because of very specific property, solar cooker must constantly be realigned with the orbiting sun for maximum effectiveness. Novel type solar heating system with evacuated tube concentrates light to a larger surface, so it is slightly more tolerant for marginal errors of alignment.

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How To Cite

Kataria Mahendra B., Khunt Hardik A.. "Novel Type Solar Heating System".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.774-778, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 4 

Pages. 774-778

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