Paper Title

Compact MMR ultra wideband bandpass filter with improved selectivity


  • V.Sneha
  • S.Senthil Rajan


MMR,UWB,Transmission zeros, Interdigital coupled lines


In this study a new novel UWB bandpass filter is presented and its design procedure is discussed .The filter consist of multiple-mode resonator(MMR) with equally spaced rectangular slots for providing passband between (3.1-10.6GHz) and connected with stepped impedance resonator for controlling transmission zeros at passband edges. Interdigital coupled lines in the filter helps to improve the coupling at input and output lines.The simulated BPF has insertion loss is less than 1 dB throughout the passband.

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How To Cite

V.Sneha, S.Senthil Rajan. "Compact MMR ultra wideband bandpass filter with improved selectivity".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.630-633, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 4 

Pages. 630-633

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