Analysis & Optimization of Sugarcane Trolley Axle Using FEA and Experimental
- Vishal M Bidve
- Prof. Swami M. C
Analysis, Optimization, Trolley Axle, Experimental
In the present market scenario, cost reduction technique is playing a signified role to meet the competition in the market. Weight reduction and simplicity in design are application of industrial engineering etc., are used as source of technique. Various components or products used in rural areas are mostly manufactured in small scale industries such as farming machinery, thrashers, tractor trolleys etc .It has been observed that these rural products are not properly designed. Tractor trolleys are manufactured in small to moderate scale industries. Though tractor trolleys are manufactured of various capacities by various industries, still there is a large variation in manufacturing methods, component design etc. The trolley axle is a central shaft for rotating wheels. The wheels are fixed to the axle, with bearings or bushings provided at the mounting points where the axle is supported. The axle maintains the position of the wheels relative to each other and to the vehicle body.
In this project work survey is made on sugarcane tractor trolley, during survey it is found that most of axles having bending, deformation, weight, strength problems, and common problem are bending. In this project work analysis is done on axle by finite element analysis using ansys15 for checking bending, deformations and weight optimization by using various materials like MS, SAE1020, Inconel, etc.
Vishal M Bidve, Prof. Swami M. C. "Analysis & Optimization of Sugarcane Trolley Axle Using FEA and Experimental".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 4, pp.426-443, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 4
Pages. 426-443