Configuration management system for an Alternator manufacturer
- Sankar P I
- Dr.Haris Naduthodi
Database, Product structure, Webpage interface, MYSQL, PHP
Product configuration is an activity that can be considered as satisfying a customer’s demand by creating a product which is composed by a number of previously developed components. The importance of product configuration is currently increasing dramatically as the requirement of managing product varieties. This is due to an increasing demand from customers for separately detailed products and due to better technological opportunities to handle the customization efforts. Therefore, product configuration is a strategic choice for the industry. In order to perform product configuration efficiently and effectively, the product must be specified and is critical for creating product development teams. Configuration involves selecting and arranging parts to fit product and operational constraints. This work deals with developing a product configuration method for an alternator manufacturing industry where managing components and integrating suppliers are important. The methodology adopted is creating a product structure which is basis for the product management. The product structure in the logic tier is supported by a database in the third tier where data are arranged in tables can use in any application related to management. Database is interfaced with user that means a webpage creation. User interface creation is the last stage of project. All the users have specific roles and give access via presentation tier. Database created using MySQL software and database is interfaced with using PHP language. Webpage development using PHP language. User interface creation resulting information flow of order arrival is automated. MySQL and PHP supported database management system reducing human involvement and order details get all departments earlier as compared to present situation. By creation of 3 –tier architecture in this industry reducing time for transferring the order information.
Sankar P I, Dr.Haris Naduthodi. "Configuration management system for an Alternator manufacturer".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.917-926, URL :
Volume 4 Issue 3
Pages. 917-926