Paper Title

Implementation of a Low drop out regulator using a Sub 1 V Band Gap Voltage Reference circuit in Standard 180nm CMOS process


  • S. Aparna
  • Dr. G.V. Mahalakshmi


dropout Voltage, low voltage, low drop out regulator and Sub 1 V band gap reference.


A low drop out regulator (LDR) is implemented using a Sub 1 V Band Gap Reference (BGR) in standard 180nm CMOS process. In low dropout regulators the unregulated output is very close to that of regulated one. In this sub 1 V Band Gap Reference (BGR), the reference voltage is obtained by super imposing the Complementary to Absolute Temperature (CTAT) and Proportional to Absolute Temperature (PTAT) modules in current mode and little amount of current is superimposed through the circuit to nullify the Current Mirror variations in Reference Voltage. The Temperature Coefficient of the BGR is 10ppm/°C in the range of 0-100°C and the line regulation is 1.46mV/V for the supply variations of 0.8-1.8Vand PSRR is 45.8dB @1Hz.The output Voltage of the LDR is 0.7V for the Input Supply range 0.8-1.8V. The drop out voltage is 0.1 V and the quiescent current is 19.6µA.

Article Type


How To Cite

S. Aparna, Dr. G.V. Mahalakshmi. "Implementation of a Low drop out regulator using a Sub 1 V Band Gap Voltage Reference circuit in Standard 180nm CMOS process".INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH ISSN:2321-9939, Vol.4, Issue 3, pp.887-892, URL :


Volume 4 Issue 3 

Pages. 887-892

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